The Four Types of Love – Greek Style

Love is a complex and powerful emotion that many people find difficult to understand. While love is often symbolized by the heart, it is actually rooted in the brain, where chemical reactions shape how we experience this profound feeling. To better grasp the different ways love can manifest, the Ancient Greeks identified four distinct types: Agape, Phileo, Storge, and Eros. Each of these represents a unique style of love, highlighting the diverse ways in which we connect with others.

1. Agape: Unconditional Love

Agape is an unconditional, selfless love that looks beyond imperfections and flaws to accept someone as they truly are. This is the type of love that expects nothing in return and often involves a level of sacrifice and giving. Agape is a committed and chosen love that demonstrates care and concern for others regardless of the circumstances. It is the love we strive to have for all humanity — a love that reflects kindness, compassion, and selflessness.

2. Phileo: Affectionate Love

Phileo is characterized by a warm, tender, and platonic affection that nurtures deep friendships. It is the love that adds warmth and depth to Agape, creating a bond of companionship and camaraderie. Phileo is typically reserved for friends and close companions; it is not usually extended to those we consider enemies or adversaries. Like Agape, Phileo is also a chosen and committed form of love, but it centers more on affection and emotional closeness with those we care about.

3. Storge: Familial Love

Storge represents the natural, instinctive love shared among family members or between close friends who feel like family. It is the love that is unconditional and forgiving, fostering feelings of safety, security, and comfort. Storge is often the type of love a parent feels for a child or what siblings feel for one another. It is enduring and steady, and in some cases, this type of love can evolve into a romantic relationship, where partners not only love each other but also become best friends.

Types of Love

4. Eros: Romantic Love

Eros is a passionate and intense form of love that ignites romantic feelings and desire. It is characterized by strong emotional and physical attraction and is often the type of love that first emerges at the beginning of a relationship. Eros can create powerful emotional and sexual connections, driving the excitement and intensity that many associate with falling in love. However, Eros is also known for its limitations; it tends to be more focused on self-fulfillment and immediate pleasure. For a relationship based on Eros to last, this love must evolve into a deeper, more stable form that goes beyond mere passion and attraction.


These four types of love—Agape, Phileo, Storge, and Eros—each play a unique role in fostering healthy and long-lasting relationships. While all four are important, achieving a balance between them can help create a deeper connection and a more fulfilling partnership. Relationships are often most successful when both partners share similar styles of love, as this mutual understanding can help sustain their bond over time.

Discover Your Love Style with Valenti Matchmaking

Reflect on your own love style and consider how it aligns with your current or future relationships. Are you drawn to the selflessness of Agape, the warmth of Phileo, the security of Storge, or the passion of Eros? Understanding your love style can help you find a partner who shares your values and desires. Connect with Valenti Matchmaking today to find that perfect match who complements your unique love style and creates a deeper, more meaningful connection.