13-Things Guys Notice When You First Meet

1. Your Smile. A lady’s mouth is often the very first part of a woman a guy will see. Not only are great lips and teeth sexy, but guys will look to your mouth for social cues, as it’s the most expressive feature you possess. A warm, inviting smile might communicate, “Here I am, come talk to me.” A sly, seductive smirk might convey, “You can try, but you’ll have to work for it.” And a scowl may suggest, “Turn around, and head back to your mother’s basement,” or, “I have spinach in my teeth.”

2. Your Laugh. If a guy has any game, he’ll immediately try to convert a smile into a laugh. A lovely lady’s laugh is one of the most beautiful sounds a single guy can hear, as he’ll be psyched to know that his charms are working. The laugh itself will help him decide if he’d like to ask the girl out: a sweet, intoxicating giggle might be music to his ears, while a deep, raspy chortle might remind him too much of his uncle Morty to proceed.

3. Your Sense of Humor. As much as any guy would love to make you laugh, your ability to do the same for him is a huge turn-on that he’ll notice right away. Your brand may be dry and subtle a la Rebel Wilson, or broad and wacky like Amy Poehler’s, but anything that gets him chuckling will give you major points in his book. Just be careful reenacting your Will Ferrell “Frank the Tank” bit from Old School: Though he’ll certainly notice you chugging beer and shouting “IT’S SO GOOD, ONCE IT HITS YOUR LIPS!” it won’t necessarily be in a good way.

4. Your Eyes. Though a less tactful fella might get caught sneaking a peek at other assets, your eyes are what a guy should be looking at during conversation. But any experienced guy will want to look into your eyes for more than just their lovely aesthetic properties. They say “eyes are the window to the soul,” and as cliché as it most definitely sounds, it’s kinda true. A lot of information can be conveyed and received via eye contact, and any guy trying to get to know you will look to yours as a means of flirting and reading signals.

5. Your Voice. While it may not be the first feature of yours he talks about with his pals (“I’m tellin’ you, bro, this chick’s vocal chords were bangin’!”), a guy will certainly be aware of the sound of your voice. Especially if that voice is exceptionally sexy, or unusually obnoxious. Your voice can instantly change a person’s perception about you, for better or for worse. I’m not suggesting that you purposely affect your tone, but maybe think twice before opening with your famous Gilbert Gottfried impression.

6. Your Friends. You spend enough time with some of your friends that you likely share many traits and qualities. Guys know this and will probably judge you by the company you keep. If there’s a member of your crew you’ve never meshed well with, do your best to distance yourself from her on singles night. The last thing you want is Khloé Kardashian Jr. whining your new potential suitor’s ear off about her lifelong “struggle” to find a handbag bling-y enough to properly complement her “natural swag.”

7. Your Body Type. It’s not something anyone likes to admit, but your build is as much a part of you as any other physical characteristics. For plenty of guys, a woman’s weight is a more superficial attribute that matters less to them than other factors when choosing a mate. But some guys specifically seek out the Olive Oyl type, while others prefer to date a woman who’s got curves. If he’s hitting on you, he’s interested in yours.

8. Your Smell. Your scent is often the one thing about you that a guy will remember most vividly long after you’ve parted ways. It can linger on clothes, hands, or linens, and give the guy a gentle reminder of the amazing woman he’s just met. Always use soaps or perfume that you enjoy, but maybe not something that’d likely be worn by an old lady who collects antiques and shares an attic with 14 cats. (Thirteen’s OK.)

9. Your Six-Inch Heels. With the exceptions of foot fetishists and women’s shoe designers (in the latter case, are you certain he’s romantically interested?) — the vast majority of men you’ll date have little to no taste when it comes to female footwear. Unfortunately, however, guys do tend to notice shoes when they’re overtly uncomfortable-looking or if you look uncomfortable in them. Fortunately, you’ve got a dozen other assets to work with that he’ll spot way before he looks down at your feet, so just wear whatever makes you feel good.

10. Your Personal Style. While guys may not have a clue who designed your dress or how to pronounce “Louboutin,” men believe they are quite capable of observing and interpreting a woman’s personal style. Are you a hipster like Hannah? A free-spirited Jessa? Fashion-forward like Marnie? Or are you a total Shosh? While you might not identify with any character from Girls, the typical guy will inevitably (at least subconsciously) categorize your style in the first instant he meets you. Hopefully, he’s evolved enough to know that you’re more than what you wear, but your style will definitely impact his first impression.

11. Your Boobs. Look, unless they’re concealed and shrouded like King Tutankhamun, your breasts will be noticed by any warm-blooded male who meets you for the first time. Men are simply biologically programmed to seek them out like pigs that forage for truffles. Whether you choose to present your boobs proudly like trophies or secure them conservatively to preserve some element of mystery is entirely up to you — but you must know that guys are looking. And evaluating. And talking.

12. Your Butt. In yet another unfortunate (but inevitable) case of objectification, when you leave, that guy will likely (hopefully at least discreetly) also grab a glimpse of your booty. Most gentlemen either fall more squarely in the “breast” or “butt” camp, claiming connoisseurship of one body part over the other. But identifying a guy who notices neither would be like discovering and proving the existence of the Loch Ness Monster.

13. Your Confidence. Most important of all to a guy meeting you for the first time is the energy that you exude. There is absolutely nothing (and I mean nothing) that a guy finds more attractive than confidence. If you can carry yourself assertively and possess a strong sense of self, a guy will take notice immediately, no matter what your other characteristics are. Now that’s universally sexy.

Originally Published:    http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/news/a30439/things-guys-notice-when-you-first-meet/