22 Guys With The Best Marriage Proposals Ever!

Here are some of the best marriage proposals from all around the web. This list of outrageous proposals is sure to get the ladies’ hopes up for their own big day, and hopefully inspire all of the gentlemen out there to go above and beyond for the one they plan to spend the rest of their life with.

1. She didn’t know what was coming until she saw their picture at the end of the ride.

Photo Credit: imgur

2. Just as she was about to climb off of the steep rock her boyfriend, Andrew, started going on about how the beautiful hike reminded him of their relationship. Before she knew what was happening, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

Photo Credit: Lindsay Farrall

3. Alesha’s boyfriend took her to the world’s biggest cave, where he dropped down on one knee and proposed.

Photo Credit: imgur

4. This woman got quite a surprise with a picture-perfect proposal themed after Jane Austen’s “Pride And Prejudice”

Photo Credit: imgur

5. This guy knew his gal could never say no to an adorable dolphin!

Photo Credit: reddit

6. He led her into the snowy ice skating rink where a red carpet was laid out on the ice with a special box waiting at the end…

Photo Credit: Chris Emeott 

7. This highly detailed and beautiful beach proposal required the skills of a true artist to pull off.

Photo Credit: reddit

8. After finishing up a 5k color run, this paint-splattered fellow got down on one knee and asked his leading lady to “begin our own race.”

Photo Credit: Megan Ella

9. “UP!” Themed Proposal. “It took weeks of flea-market hopping, but I was able to find the details needed to re-create the living room scene.”

Photo Credit: Michael Scicolone

10. It took 9 hours of hiking to reach this peak of Trolltunga. “As I was looking at the camera Connor tugged my hand, when I turned around he was on one knee.”

Photo Credit: howheasked.com

11. This awesome dude proposed at his lady’s soccer match during the biggest game of the season

Photo Credit: howheasked.com

12. Dog helps his dad pop the big question

Photo Credit: howheasked

13. Making waves with a beautiful beach proposal

Photo Credit: imgur

14. Risky Pet Proposal

Photo Credit: howheasked

15. “We were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by mountains, miles from the nearest person. It was like we were placed into some fairytale winter wonderland.”

Photo Credit: The Kitcheners

16. Street art proposal wins her heart over!

Photo Credit: blouinartinfo.com

17. Kinder Surprise Proposal

Photo Credit: twoplus

18. This man proposed on stage during their favorite band’s concert. “I was shaking and couldn’t stop smiling. I listened while the man of my dreams knelt and proposed to me, echoed by the cheers of 7000 supporters.”

Photo Credit: Caroline Joy 

19. “He led me through the rose petals to a spot at the end of the rocks. I didn’t cry immediately. Then his eyes locked on mine and I lost it.”

Photo Credit: howheasked

20. Proposal on the famous Potato Chip Rock

Photo Credit: imgur

21. “There were flower petals and candles everywhere and a movie screen set up. Aaron pressed play, came and sat by me in the teepee, and started shaking and tearing up.”

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset
Photo Credit: Jessica Janae

22. Secret photographer captures a perfect proposal on a beautiful lake


Photo Credit: howheasked.com

Originally Published with Photos:   http://www.earthporm.com/best-marriage-proposals/