8 Habits of Incredibly Happy Women

Over good food and wine, I found myself deep in conversation with two new friends. Though we were recently acquainted, we were bonded by the shared experiences of motherhood, navigating Minnesota winters, and past careers in teaching. As our voices grew louder and more urgent, we leaned in closer, debating one essential question: Should happiness be a top priority for our children?

There’s a temptation to say no. After all, qualities like kindness, compassion, education, and even humor are crucial for our society’s well-being. But as we talked, I realized that there are two secrets that keep my kids’ happiness front and center in my heart. The first is that we adults are constantly striving for happiness, too. And the second is that many of these other qualities — kindness, compassion, and education — naturally lead to happiness if we choose to see it that way. Ultimately, happiness can be cultivated through daily habits that intertwine with these values, creating a balanced and joyful life.


Why Happiness Should Be a Priority

The pursuit of happiness is a driving force in our lives, shaping our experiences, decisions, and relationships. As adults, we are continually seeking ways to find fulfillment and joy, whether through career accomplishments, meaningful relationships, or personal growth. This ongoing quest for happiness profoundly affects how we interact with the world and the people around us.

Interestingly, many of the traits we hope to instill in our children — like kindness, compassion, and empathy — are pathways to happiness. When we encourage them to be kind, we are also teaching them how to find joy in helping others. When we nurture their curiosity and passion for learning, we are helping them discover the fulfillment that comes from growing and understanding the world.

Happiness, therefore, isn’t just an end result; it’s a choice shaped by the habits we form and the way we choose to view our circumstances. By recognizing happiness as an interconnected value and fostering daily habits that promote it, we can help ourselves and our children lead richer, more satisfying lives.



The 8 Habits of Very Happy Women

Habit 1: Maintaining Routines

Routines provide structure and predictability, creating a comforting rhythm to each day and allowing small moments of joy to shine through. Whether it’s meeting friends at a regular exercise class, enjoying a morning cup of coffee, or feeling uplifted by unexpected kindness from a stranger, a well-established routine helps women anticipate and appreciate the positive moments in their everyday lives. Knowing what to expect from the day enables them to navigate challenges more easily and find happiness in life’s small, predictable pleasures.

Habit 2: Looking for the Goodness Around You

Happy women make it a habit to look for the good in people and situations. By intentionally seeking out the positive, they elevate their mood and foster a more optimistic outlook. This habit creates a cycle of happiness: when you notice the goodness around you, you’re more likely to experience more of it. Whether it’s a smile from a stranger, a kind gesture from a friend, or a beautiful moment in nature, seeing the good helps cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment.

Habit 3: Being Open to Newness

Embracing new experiences, whether it’s trying new foods, making new friends, or learning new hobbies, brings joy and excitement to life. Being open to newness stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters, which increases overall happiness. The willingness to explore and step out of comfort zones enriches life with fresh perspectives and memorable moments, contributing to a more fulfilled, joyful existence.

Habit 4: Lifting Others Up

Happy women know the power of lifting others up. Complimenting a friend’s outfit, praising a colleague’s work, or simply telling someone they did a great job benefits both the giver and the receiver. These small acts of kindness create a connection and spread positivity, enhancing happiness for everyone involved. Making a habit of supporting others reinforces a sense of community and shared joy.

Habit 5: Taking Accountability for Experiences

Taking ownership of one’s actions and responses empowers women to change their situations and attitudes. When you accept responsibility for your choices — whether it’s planning poorly, reacting negatively, or procrastinating — you also gain the power to change them. This habit prevents feelings of helplessness, promotes a sense of control over one’s happiness, and fosters a mindset that seeks solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

Habit 6: Remembering That Nothing Lasts Forever

Adopting the mindset that nothing lasts forever helps manage difficult times by making them feel temporary, while also making joyful moments feel even more precious. This perspective encourages the appreciation of the present, finding peace in both life’s highs and lows. By understanding that everything is fleeting, women can savor happiness more deeply and navigate challenges with greater resilience.

Habit 7: Not Expecting Perfection

Acknowledging that bad days are inevitable allows women to avoid letting temporary setbacks define their overall happiness. By letting go of the need for perfection, they grant themselves the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. When tough times arise, they rely on positive habits, such as gratitude and mindfulness, to bounce back and rediscover joy.

Habit 8: Surrounding Yourself with Happy People

Happy women understand that they are greatly influenced by the people they spend the most time with. By choosing friends and companions who are positive, supportive, and uplifting, they create an environment that nurtures their own happiness. The quote “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” serves as a reminder to select relationships that inspire personal growth and positivity.

These habits are practices that help create a happier, more fulfilling life. By consciously choosing to incorporate them into daily routines, anyone can start to see a positive shift in their mindset and overall happiness.


Start Cultivating Your Happiness Today

Take a moment to reflect on your own habits and consider which of these eight habits you can begin to incorporate into your daily life. Whether it’s maintaining a routine, being open to new experiences, or surrounding yourself with happy people, every small change can make a big difference in your overall happiness. Remember, happiness is not just a destination — it’s a journey shaped by the choices we make every day.

Ready to embrace these habits and start living a happier, more fulfilled life? Connect with like-minded individuals and cultivate your joy today with Valenti Matchmaking!

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