

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.

If you’re thinking of starting a holiday tradition with your new husband, it’s not too late! Here are seven ideas that you can try this year:  1. Pick an ornament: If you get married around the holidays, one (or five!) wedding guests may get you an “Our First Christmas” ornament for your Christmas tree. You can continue...

First, let me start with a basic: This is definitely something I advise engaged couples to talk about right away, especially if you marry in the fall or winter—meaning that family holiday plans hit right away. You’re still adjusting to married life, and then bam! The families are calling to arrange holiday plans. Sometimes, both sets of families...

There’s something especially romantic about the idea of spending the holidays with a significant other: the dressing up for parties, the exchanging of thoughtful gifts, the kissing under hanging mistletoe. In theory, it’s like a scene out of a rom-com; in practice, spending the holidays with someone for the first time can be tricky to...

Writes Stephana: My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years. We share an apartment and two cats together. I know we’re still young, but I’m very ready to be engaged and then married. My boyfriend, unfortunately, isn’t on the same page. Naturally, it’s causing a lot of tension between us. How can...

It’s easy to list what you find unappealing in a potential mate, but identifying the qualities that make someone desirable for the long haul is a slightly tougher task. What exactly qualifies a person to fulfill the role as your life partner? Not everyone runs a mental checklist before taking the ultimate leap — some just...

We already know what makes a good girlfriend . . . but what makes a good boyfriend? It’s a question for the ages, really. I asked guy friends, random dudes on social platforms, and, ah, last but not least, my boyfriend, in all his great boyfriend glory — what, specifically, makes an amazing male partner. The answers ranged...

You finally meet someone you like. It’s not just attraction. The connection is mutual and airtight. You might even find yourself using the word “perfect” a lot. Life feels brighter now, and things that used to bother you really don’t anymore — like traffic. You guys decide to be “exclusive,” and maybe eventually move in...

“To be brave is to love someone unconditionally without expecting anything in return.” MadonnaLoving unconditionally is a commitment to love an imperfect person. Remember you are an imperfect person too. This type of love does not include revenge or purposely hurting someone. Loving unconditionally is scary and vulnerable. In reality love causes pain and hurt....

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