

Getting divorced can be a trying and emotionally exhausting experience with lasting effects. Many people find themselves having difficulty trusting and opening themselves up to new partners after divorce. When there is infidelity or a contentious divorce, one’s trust can be shaken. The person they fell in love with can become a source of pain...

  Long distance relationships can have their challenges, but Valenti Matchmaking has seen many successful relationships overcome vast distances. Our world is shrinking and many people look for dating and relationship opportunities outside of their hometowns. Many smart, professional singles also split their times across the country and overseas. While being highly mobile can limit...

Companionship is that state of being friends, a closeness or familiarity, a true connection between two people who are truly connected. Companionship can come with or without a sexual aspect, and it goes much deeper than “friends with benefits.” It lasts beyond hardship, cooled passion or the ordinariness of life. Many people are torn between companionship...

“My tastes are simple — I am easily satisfied with the best.”  -Winston Churchill Successful people don’t rely on luck. They make a plan, hire the best and move toward the goal with the utmost efficiency. Busy professionals spend every hour thinking about how to grow their success. Early mornings, late nights and fast-moving agendas...

Finding love after the loss of a spouse or loved one can be an arduous journey. But it is one that with the right support and patience, can lead to a fulfilling life with the right partner! The team at Valenti Matchmaking found this personal and inspiring article by Christina Rasmussen about what to expect...

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